As a supplier or other partner to a REGA company, you will experience a partner that has a high degree of transparency about the company's operations and priorities.
In short, your partner has joined the UN Global Compact - the United Nations’ initiative on corporate sustainability - and that they comply with the minimum standards of corporate conduct, namely the UN's Human Rights and Business Guidelines, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
When negotiating contracts with a REGA company, you will be required to implement the UN and OECD minimum standards for responsible business conduct. You will, therefore, be asked to do the same as your customer or business partner - no more, no less.
This does not mean that all contracts must be reassessed at once. When it is time to renegotiate existing contracts and when entering into new contracts, you will be required to start work on complying with the UN and OECD guidelines within the coming period.